I live at the base of a mountain and I love to hike up and sit on my favorite rock when I’m searching for answers. Looking out over the valley often gives me a higher perspective on things than when I am sitting in my home stuck with a problem.
Two weeks ago I sat on my rock and asked God what more I could do for Him with my life? I wondered if I was doing His will? Or was I more concerned with my will? Was I falling short of what He sent me here to do?
His answer came quietly and unexpectedly in four simple words: "Love more. Work less."

It wasn’t the answer I was expecting. I guess I don’t know what I was expecting. I had plenty of time as I hiked down the mountain to ponder how I could follow that counsel. I knew my life was already full! The problem, as I saw it more clearly, was that my life was full of work. Owning several businesses takes a lot of time and energy! I wondered where I would possibly find the time to love more? I realized this process needed to start with my heart.
Was I living my day with eyes of compassion? Or just living each day focused on my to do list? Was I even open to noticing the needs around me? And what was I listening to? The constant chatter in my head about the concerns of my life? Or the sweet whisperings of the Spirit that could prompt me to reach out to someone? I wanted to have eyes to see and ears to hear. I started watching and listening for the needs of others.
I was surprised at how many needs I found. By putting those needs first ahead of my to do list I have been able to serve many people over the last two weeks. I don’t even know where the time came from but my work that was critical still got done. The rest, I realized, was not significant. The most beautiful part of this whole experience is when I look back over the last two weeks, I feel a sweet blanket of peace wash over me. Compassion has a beautiful energy of warmth and love. It is Christ-like and uplifting. It is contagious and affects the giver and the receiver.
I keep remembering the look in peoples' eyes that I have served. I think of the conversations I had time for that normally I wouldn’t. I think of how my hands became His hands as I tried to serve His children. When I look back, I only see and feel sweetness. I don’t even remember what I had to give up.
I want to make this my new life. If you are looking for more meaning in your life, you could give this a try. This may be something you are already doing and I would love to hear about your experiences. Also know that, if you are looking for your own answers, I know heaven is there for you, and I have a great rock I can recommend...